Are Golden Retrievers Good Family Dogs? 6 Key Reasons Why!

On your journey to choosing a golden retriever, you may have heard they make good family dogs, or you are looking for a good family dog and are just stumbling upon the breed!

Golden retrievers make perfect family dogs, if not the best family dog of all the breeds! They are friendly, loving, and although can be excitable, have a sixth sense of how to act around children. They enjoy being surrounded by people and will slot into most families, either pre or post-arrival of children.

So let’s look into the key reasons why golden retrievers make good family dogs in more detail below!

Albus loves family time!


One of the best temperaments of any dog! Golden retrievers are quite possibly the friendliest and most loving dogs on the planet and I genuinely believe you will struggle to find a less friendly animal.

That’s not to say they are exempt from being angered or those that may not be as friendly from perhaps a tough past by poor ownership practices, but you will be hard stretched to find one that isn’t friendly under normal circumstances. In most cases, they will love you more than you could ever love them!

It’s this trait which makes them perfect family dogs, like those with young children where the dog will adore them and be able to interact very easily. However, I am a firm believer that under no circumstances should young children be left unattended with any dog, no matter how friendly.

If you want to explore more general golden retriever traits, I recommend you see my other blog Golden Retriever Behaviour – 8 Classic Traits!

Although they can be a tad boisterous at times when excited (good training should be used to control if needed), they are generally very calm and gentle dogs. Given they are considered a large breed of dog, this is especially important with young children with the risk of them being knocked over easily if this wasn’t the case. Being part of the gun dog family also has its advantages as their soft, gentle mouth is excellent for when children give them a treat! It all adds up to making them great family dogs.

6th Sense

As they say, dogs have a sixth sense, and that is definitely true of a golden retriever.

I have seen it so many times where our golden Albus knows exactly how to behave when around certain people. He can be excitable with me when we play, to then knowing straight after that he needs to be calm when my 92-year-old Nan is in the room or our young nieces and nephews. It’s quite an incredible thing to see, and I didn’t even have to tell Albus prior! 🙂 This trait is invaluable for a family!

Albus knowing not to jump on Nanny!


The breed is one of the easier dogs to train as they are considered an intelligent breed. Training them isn’t a taxing process as they learn things very quickly and they aren’t selective who they take instructions from. Given its ease, this is an excellent activity for children to get involved with and to increase their bond with the dog. It can be a collective family effort which is a true joy to have!

Enjoy people

Golden retrievers love interacting with people and playing, so welcoming one into your warm family is not just a dream for you, but a dream for the dog. In fact, they are susceptible to developing separation anxiety if they don’t get enough interaction with the family i.e if you leave your dog alone all the time. This however doesn’t mean to say you should be with your dog at all times, as this too can develop some unwanted behaviour!


Golden retrievers are active dogs and absolutely love going on walks and exploring outside. This is where they will slot perfectly into those family activities! They will not want to be left at home and will be with you every step of the way!


They are hilarious. They do the funniest things and will guarantee laughter and happiness in your household! Whether it’s having the zoomies in the garden or rolling around on the floor and rubbing up against the wall, they will brighten up your life.

Always making us laugh with his photo bombs!

Closing thoughts

They are the ultimate family dog, and from day 1 they will be another family member that will steal a piece of your family’s hearts. I guarantee it! Closely related is looking at if they are easy to own, so if you’re interested, head over to my blog on Is a Golden Retriever an Easy Dog to Own?


Will lives and works in the Cotswolds, UK with his fiancée and dog Albus. Away from dogs Will has a keen passion for the outdoors and geology and loves exploring new places with his family. Will has adored dogs ever since he was small and loves that he gets to write these blogs to help others in his spare time.

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