How Do You Impress a Dog Breeder? Consider THIS!

You’re looking for your dream dog and want to make a good impression when contacting a breeder for the first time? Or you’re meeting the breeders in person as part of the application process? Read on where we discuss how to make that crucial good first impression in the journey to potentially securing your dream dog.

To impress your dog breeder you have to show your passion for wanting a dog, have good knowledge of the breed, and be able to showcase that you know what having a dog entails and how you’ll give them the best life they can have.

You will have multiple opportunities to impress your breeder, but the most important ones are the first enquiry you make, either by email or telephone, or when you go to meet the breeders for the first time, where you should meet the pregnant mother (I encourage you to also read my related post – Should You Buy a Puppy Without Seeing the Mum? EXPLAINED). Let’s discuss how to impress in more detail, as well as an example first email!

One of our breeder meetings with the pups!

Impressing Your Breeder in the First Contact

So perhaps you’ve found a breeder on The Kennel Club website or Champdogs with an upcoming planned litter of puppies, or maybe a litter is being advertised on Pets4Homes (more due diligence on breeders is needed here due to the risk of puppy farms); you’re going to need to contact the breeder either by email/website messaging system or telephone.

If they are a reputable breeder, which is most likely when going via The Kennel Club, they will want what’s best for the dog, so to stand a chance in reserving a puppy, you’ll need to impress them and make a good first impression.

“Contacting us via the Kennel Club shows they’ve done their research”

Kennel Club Assured Breeders, Mr & Mrs Johnston

Things to highlight in the first communication-

  • Keep the email fairly formal in structure but add personal touches. Get your personality across! Offer contact by phone as well to let them know you’re serious!
  • Why are you getting in contact – seems obvious but essential and don’t just say you want a dog (see example below)!
  • A brief snippet as to why now is the right time for you to have a dog and how you can give them the best life.
  • Show you’ve done your research in the organisation you are contacting through.
  • You don’t have to go into too much detail about your knowledge on the breed, that can come in follow ups, such as a phone call or an in-person meeting! Read on where we discuss this!
  • BE HONEST – Being honest with your breeder will mean you’re being honest with yourself as to whether now is the right time to get a puppy!

What Do You Say When Applying For a Puppy? Example First Contact

Here is what I wrote when getting our dog Albus!

Dear (enter name)

I am contacting you as my partner and I are looking for our forever dog. We have dreamed for a long time now about having a golden retriever. We already have a name that was picked out a few years ago (Albus)! We have decided now is the right time to realise our dream, whilst we are relatively young, so we can enjoy the dog as much as possible, like going on long walks in the endless countryside where we live (Cotswolds).

I see that you are an assured breeder, and from talking to a close friend of mine who used to work at The Kennel Club, she advised me that this is the best way to try and find a dog we so very much crave.

So my question to you is if you have any planned litters/or if there is a waiting list we could be placed on?

Thank you so much for taking the time to read this.

Do call me if you would prefer to chat on the phone.

Kind regards,

(enter name)

Meeting In Person

So you’re in the running for your dream dog, or you have one reserved, and now is the time to meet the breeders! Exciting, but make sure to prepare accordingly as they can take you off the list if they feel you aren’t the right fit for one of their beloved puppies!

Consider these to prepare accordingly:

  • Make sure you know what you said in your opening email…this shouldn’t be a problem if you’ve been honest – Show how passionate you are about having a dog.
  • Do your research – Demonstrate a knowledge of the breed (see my other post which will help, Golden Retriever Behaviour – 8 Classic Traits), including as sad as it is, the illnesses associated with the breed and how to solve them. A classic example is hot spots for golden retrievers. Also they are very susceptible to cancer or hip problems, so showing you know this is important!
  • Dress presentably – Make the best first impression!
  • Prepare some questions – Most breeders aren’t going to expect you to know everything, especially if it is your first dog, so taking the opportunity to ask questions directly is a great idea and shows a willingness to learn.
  • Think about the questions they may ask you. Be sure to read my other post 5 CLASSIC Questions Breeders Ask Buyers!
  • Understand what it takes to be a responsible dog owner – I discuss this in more detail which will be of further help – Dog Ownership: 11 Practices of a Responsible Owner
  • Interact with their dogs! Show you like dogs! 🙂
Meeting with Albus (on the right) and the breeders! 🙂

Final Thoughts – Don’t Overthink It!

Lastly, don’t overthink it! If you’re prepared and have done your research, and truly ready to give a dog their best life, you will be great!


Will lives and works in the Cotswolds, UK with his fiancée and dog Albus. Away from dogs Will has a keen passion for the outdoors and geology and loves exploring new places with his family. Will has adored dogs ever since he was small and loves that he gets to write these blogs to help others in his spare time.

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